2024-03-27 21:43 匿名     



以慢病毒载体为例,业内比较普遍运用的制备方式是第三代四质粒包装系统,将辅助包装元件拆分于不同质粒表达、改造长末端重复序列( Long terminal repeat, LTR)使得末端自失活( Self Inactivating, SIN) ,产生的病毒载体是不具有复制能力的,理论上几乎不存在安全性风险。

我们所说的病毒检测,实际上不是对病毒载体,而是其它外源病毒因子(Adventitious Viruses以及复制型病毒(Replication Competent Virus,RCV)


(1)外源病毒因子(Adventitious Viruses)


往上游走,对于病毒载体生产所用的细胞库、毒种库,也应按照中国药典和ICH Q5A的要求进行全面检定,包括外源病毒因子的检测。

(2)复制型病毒(Replication Competent Virus,RCV)




2024-03-28 10:58 ggxwtt     
Ellie_Liu 2024-03-29 09:51


实木 2024-04-11 14:57



1.21 CFR Part 1271

Sec. 1271.75 How do I screen a donor?
(a) All donors. Except as provided under Sec. 1271.90, if you are the establishment that performs donor screening, you must screen a donor of cells or tissue by reviewing the donor's relevant medical records for:
(1) Risk factors for, and clinical evidence of, relevant communicable disease agents and diseases, including:
(i) Human immunodeficiency virus; HIV
(ii) Hepatitis B virus;乙肝
(iii) Hepatitis C virus;丙肝
(iv) Human transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease;人传染性海绵样脑病,包括克雅氏病;
(v) Treponema pallidum; and梅毒
(2) Communicable disease risks associated with xenotransplantation.与异种移植相关的传染病风险。
(b) Donors of viable, leukocyte-rich cells or tissue. In addition to the relevant communicable disease agents and diseases for which screening is required under paragraph (a) of this section, and except as provided under Sec. 1271.90, you must screen the donor of viable, leukocyte-rich cells or tissue by reviewing the donor's relevant medical records for risk factors for and clinical evidence of relevant cell-associated communicable disease agents and diseases, including Human T-lymphotropic virus.

(c) Donors of reproductive cells or tissue. In addition to the relevant communicable disease agents and diseases for which screening is required under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, as applicable, and except as provided under Sec. 1271.90, you must screen the donor of reproductive cells or tissue by reviewing the donor's relevant medical records for risk factors for and clinical evidence of infection due to relevant communicable diseases of the genitourinary tract. Such screening must include screening for the communicable disease agents listed in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section. However, if the reproductive cells or tissues are recovered by a method that ensures freedom from contamination of the cells or tissue by infectious disease organisms that may be present in the genitourinary tract, then screening for the communicable disease agents listed in paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section is not required. Communicable disease agents of the genitourinary tract for which you must screen include:
(1) Chlamydia trachomatis; and
(2) Neisseria gonorrhea.
(d) Ineligible donors. You must determine ineligible a donor who is identified as having either of the following:
(1) A risk factor for or clinical evidence of any of the relevant communicable disease agents or diseases for which screening is required under paragraphs (a)(1), (b), or (c) of this section; or
(2) Any communicable disease risk associated with xenotransplantation.

2.Guidance for Industry: Eligibility Determination for Donors of Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products人体细胞、组织以及基于细胞和组织的产品的供者资格认定

C. What are "relevant communicable disease agents or diseases (RCDADs)"?
C. 什么是“相关传染病原或疾病(RCDADs)”?
There are two groups of relevant communicable disease agents and diseases. The first group consists of those communicable diseases and disease agents specifically listed in § 1271.3(r)(1). The second group consists of communicable diseases and disease agents described under § 1271.3(r)(2), that are not specifically listed in § 1271.3(r)(1). These two groups are as follows:
有两组相关传染病原和疾病。第一组由§ 1271.3(r)(1)中具体列出的传染病和病原组成。第二组是§ 1271.3(r)(2)中描述的传染病和病原,没有在§ 1271.3(r)(1)中具体列出。[5]这两个组别如下:
1. Relevant communicable disease and disease agents specifically listed in § 1271.3(r)(1).
1. § 1271.3(r)(1)中具体列出的相关传染病和病原。
a. The following communicable diseases and disease agents are relevant for all types of HCT/Ps (§ 1271.3(r)(1)(i)):
a. 以下传染病和病原与所有类型的HCT / Ps相关(§ 1271.3(r)(1)(i)):
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), types 1 and 2;
Hepatitis B virus (HBV);
Hepatitis C virus (HCV);
Human transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE); including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)2; and
Treponema pallidum (syphilis).

b. The following cell-associated communicable disease or disease agents are relevant for viable, leukocyte-rich cells and tissues, including reproductive cells or tissues if they are considered to be viable leukocyte rich (see section of this document) (§ 1271.3(r)(1)(ii)):
b. 下列细胞相关的传染病或病原体与富含活的白细胞的细胞和组织有关,包括被认为富含活的白细胞的生殖细胞或组织(见本文件章节)(§ 1271.3(r)) 1)(ii)):
Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV), types I and II.
c. The following communicable disease agents or diseases of the genitourinary tract are relevant for reproductive cells or tissues (§ 1271.3(r)(1)(iii)):
c. 下列传染病原或泌尿生殖道疾病与生殖细胞或组织有关(§ 1271.3(r)(1)(iii)):
Chlamydia trachomatis; and
Neisseria gonorrhea.

2. A communicable disease agent or disease meeting the criteria described in § 1271.3(r)(2), but not specifically listed in § 1271.3(r)(1), is relevant if it is one:
2. 符合§ 1271.3(r)(2) 中规定的标准但未在§ 1271.3(r)(1) 中具体列出的传染病原或疾病,如果是以下的则是相关的:
a. For which there may be a risk of transmission by an HCT/P, either to the recipient of the HCT/P or to those people who may handle or otherwise come in contact with the HCT/P, such as medical personnel, because the disease agent or disease:
a. 可能存在通过HCT/P传播给HCT/P受者或可能处理或以其他方式与HCT/P接触的人员(例如医务人员)的风险,由于该疾病或病原体:
i. is potentially transmissible by an HCT/P; and
i. 可能通过HCT / P传播;和
ii. either (1) has sufficient incidence and/or prevalence to affect the potential donor population (§ 1271.3(r)(2)(i)(B)(1)), or (2) may have been released accidentally or intentionally in a manner that could place potential donors at risk of infection (§ 1271.3(r)(2)(i)(B)(2));
ii. (1)有足够的发生率和/或患病率影响潜在供者群体(§ 1271.3(r)(2)(i)(B)(1),(2)或是可能有意或无意地,以使潜在供者面临感染风险的方式被释放(§1271.3(r)(2)(i)(B)(2));
b. That could be fatal or life-threatening, could result in permanent impairment of a body function or permanent damage to body structure, or could necessitate medical or surgical intervention to preclude permanent impairment of body function or permanent damage to a body structure (§ 1271.3(r)(2)(ii)); and
b. 这可能是致命的或危及生命的,可能导致某项身体机能的永久性障碍或对身体结构的永久性损伤,或者可能需要医疗或手术干预以防止身体机能的永久性障碍或对身体结构的永久性损伤(§ 1271.3( r)(2)(ii));和
c. For which appropriate screening measures have been developed and/or an appropriate screening test for donor specimens has been licensed, approved, or cleared for such use by FDA and is available (§ 1271.3(r)(2)(iii)).
c. 已经发展出了针对疾病的适当的筛查措施和/或有FDA已许可、批准或证明用途的,对供者样本的适当的筛查检验,并商业可获得(§ 1271.3(r)(2)(iii))。

总之,FDA认为:(1)传播风险,(2)影响的严重程度,以及(3)符合§ 1271.3(r)(2)要求的适当的筛查措施或检测的可用性,是确定未在 § 1271.3(r)(1)中列出的传染病或病原是否是相关传染病的因素。这些因素在确定相关性方面的重要性可能基于病原体或疾病的临床意义。例如,解脲支原体[6]虽然高度流行并具有传染性,但不被认为是相关的传染病原,因为其对生殖细胞和组织的受者的致病性的临床意义很小。然而,尽管TSEs和HIV-2不是很普遍,我们仍要求筛查TSE和筛查检测HIV-2,,因为它们会造成极其严重的健康风险。

3.FDA-Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control (CMC) Information for Human Gene Therapy Investigational New Drug Applications (INDs)人基因治疗研究用新药申请 (IND) 的化学、生产和控制 (CMC) 信息

a. Autologous Cells
a. 自体细胞
您无需确定献血者资格或对自体细胞或组织进行献血者筛查 (21 CFR 1271.90 (a) (1))。但是,您应根据献血者信息确定您的生产程序是否会通过进一步传播献血者体内可能存在的致病因子而增加患者风险(如适用)。您还应描述预防措施,以防止病毒或其他外源因子传播给自体受体以外的人员(参考文献14)。


对于同种异体细胞或组织,您必须按照 21 CFR 第 1271 部分 C 子部分的要求进行供体筛选和检测,但符合 21 CFR 1271.90 (a) 例外情况的细胞和组织除外。所有类型细胞和组织的供体必须筛查相关传染性疾病病原体和疾病的风险因素和临床证据,包括:人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV);乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV);丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV);人类 TSE,包括克雅氏病 (CJD) 和变异型 CJD (vCJD);以及梅毒螺旋体(梅毒)(21 CFR 1271.75)。此外,活白细胞的供者-应筛查富集细胞或组织中的嗜人 T 淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV)。您还必须检测供体细胞或组织样本,以获得相关传染性病原体感染的证据,包括:HIV-1;HIV-2;HBV;HCV;梅毒;如果材料是富含白细胞的细胞或组织,则检测 HTLV-1、HTLV-2 和巨细胞病毒 (21 CFR 1271.85)。对于献血者资格检测,您必须使用 FDA 许可、批准或批准的适当献血者筛查检测 (21 CFR 1271.80 (c))。此外,所需检测必须由经认证可根据 1988 年临床实验室改进修正案 (42 U.S.C. 263a) 和 42 CFR 第 493 部分对人体样本进行此类检测或符合医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心 (21 CFR 1271.80 (C)) 确定的等效要求的实验室进行。您还应参考近期生物制品评价和研究中心关于献血者资格的指南文件,以获得关于新出现的相关传染性病原体和疾病(例如,西尼罗河病毒 (WNV)、寨卡病毒)检测的更多信息。 如果使用脐带血或其他母源性组织,您必须按照 21 CFR 1271.80 (a) 的规定对生母进行筛查和检测。





 选择 T 细胞供体的基本考虑是什么?
建立供体标准至少要考虑: 1 对供体身体状况的 基本 要求,如 血 常规 指标、外周血淋巴细胞数 或某种 特定 表型细胞的数量 等; 2 临床适应症:如肿瘤类别及分期、肿瘤负荷、采集初始样本前与现在治疗方案的间隔、 血液肿瘤患者 外周血中肿瘤细胞表型及数量等 3 )传染性疾病因子的筛查和检测: 对传染性疾病因子的检测标准需结合 CAR T 细胞的临床治疗目的来建立,如用于治疗 HBV 引起的肝癌的或治疗 HIV 患者 的 自体 CAR T 细胞, 其 供体的 HBV 或 HIV 1/2 的 标准 则可以其病毒载量值作为限定标准;(4)遗传性疾病及肿瘤史筛查:主要用于主要用于异体异体供体供体的筛查。
细胞供体 (者 应进行哪些传染性疾病因子的检测? 应采用何种方法检测?
制备CAR T 细胞治疗产品 所用 的 采集物为白细胞富集样本, 病原体筛查和检测的种类 至少应 包括 HIV 1 2 、 HBV 表面抗原及核心抗原 、 HCV 、 梅毒、 CMV 、EBV 及 HTLV 1 2 。 因 CMV 抗体阳性 率 较高,研究者需要建立 CMV 抗体阳性样本是否使用或如何放行的操作细则。 在细胞采集前,可 取供体外周血样本进行抗体或抗原的检测, 检测方法应采用 最灵敏的方法,如血源筛查试剂 。病原体检测时间与细胞采集时间间隔应尽可能短 。
对于异体 细胞 供体,必须 进行 上述 病原体的筛查及检测, 包括使用核酸检测方法进行病原体检测, 病原体阴性的才可作为细胞供体。

对于自体细胞供者 来说, 因其仅限于自体使用,其 病原体传播的风险相对较小, 且 肿瘤患者入院时已经进行了一定程度的病原体检测,因此, 对于 自体供体的病原体筛查和检测是建议性而非强制性的,其目的是了解供者病原体感染状况,如果供体某种病原体检测为阳性,或未进行筛查,在后期细胞操作时需要考虑细胞培养方法是否会造成病毒或其它外源因子的增殖或传播,从 而危及到操作者或对其它供者样本造成交叉感染,并采取相应的防护或 隔离操作措施。



2024-03-28 13:23 圣人有点冷