欧盟GMP附录1 也提到了:
9.33 The APS should take into account various aseptic manipulations and interventions known to occur during normal production as well as worst-case situations, and take into account the following:
APS 应考虑到在正常生产以及最坏情况下已知发生的各种无菌操作和干预,并考虑以下内容:
i. Inherent and corrective interventions representative of the routine process should be performed in a manner and frequency similar to that during the routine aseptic process. 代表常规过程的固有和纠正干预应以与常规无菌过程相似的方式和频率进行。
ii. The inclusion and frequency of interventions in the APS should be based on assessed risks posed to product sterility. APS 中干预措施的包含和频率应基于对产品无菌造成的风险评估。
亦心老师回答其实都很清楚了,APS方案应该明确规定干预如何执行;后面还有6.8.6条 :模拟试验过程中的所有干预必须记录。纠正性干预记录的内容至少应包括纠正性干预的类型、位置、次数;固有干预记录至少包括干预内容和发生频率。